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Find your answers within your heart and change how you co-create your reality.

Healing techniques in the quantum field



egyptian reiki

Shamanic Reiki

VAM - Multidimensional Akashic Traveler

Emotional Massage (FAME)

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Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

Like everything in the quantum field, nothing happens by chance. We must always be aware of the signals we receive from within ourselves, where our higher Self and the Source of all are taking us. We are conditioned not to pay attention to these signals. When we begin to pay attention to them, as well as our thoughts and words, a significant change can occur in our lives. We just have to want and believe. We carry limiting beliefs and patterns on many levels of existence that no longer serve us. Learning to tap into them is a fascinating journey of self-awareness, healing and self-love. It is not by chance that you are here.


''There is a candle in your heart, ready to be lit.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, right? ''



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